Good Trip is a lively travel guide for the culturally curious. We’re publishing Issue 1 week by week right here on Substack. Read more about why here.
The best advice isn’t algorithm-driven
Travel is a feeling, not a checklist. We’ll be sharing tips from rad locals from all over the world, along with other ways to travel via your inbox. You can expect city guides, personal stories and advice, always from the perspective of locals or those who have experienced a place firsthand.
Who’s behind this thing?
Hi, I’m Brandy Cerne 👋 I’m an American who moved to São Paulo, Brazil, and was disappointed to see most English-language travel guides to Brazil were limited to Rio, even though I was living in the largest city in the Southern hemisphere. In my day job as an independent brand strategist, I’ve also become increasingly frustrated at SEO and social media algorithms’ takeover of the internet and the content I consume. Enter Good Trip.
Good Trip is run by me and my friend Natalie Filkoski. Fun fact: We met as neighbors during study abroad in Rome over a decade ago.
Additional Contributors
Visual Identity: Felipe Nuno
Editing: Ash Pattison-Scott
Advisors: Sophie Everhard, Sarah Taylor, Kirtika Challa, Stephanie Mitchell